Pigmentation Reduction

What is


We are able to offer a treatment to reduce the color of pigmented lesions caused by sun damage, using laser technology.

A doctor’s letter confirming that no skin cancers are present is required before commencing treatment. One treatment is often enough to see stunning results, but 2 or 3 may be needed for optimal results.

Treatments are performed at 4 to 6 weekly intervals. Results will vary. Not all pigmentation will fade. Usually, sun damage typically seen on the backs of hands, forearms, decolletage, and face will respond well. 

Hormonal pigmentation and other pigmentation with a medical cause may not respond or will have minimal results. It may be difficult to assess the degree of results before treatment commences, but one initial treatment will give an indication as to whether the pigment is likely to reduce, then further treatments can be done if needed.


  • Laser light is attracted to melanin, the pigment (color) found in hair and skin. 
  • For pigmentation treatments, the light will be attracted into the pigmented mass.

  • Some skins may be too dark for safe treatment, as the light can be attracted to the melanin in the skin surrounding the sun spot or pigmented area and cause hyper or hypo pigmentation. (increase or loss of colour in the skin)

  • A recent tan is also a potential problem as the light will be attracted to the melanin in the skin surrounding the pigmented lesion causing hyper or hypo pigmentation. We recommend you avoid sun exposure on the treatment area for at least 6 weeks pre and post treatment. At all other times use a 50+ sun block.

  • Sun beds need to be avoided in the same way as sun.

  • Spray on and instant tan products are pigments. The skin should be clean of any such products before each treatment.

  • If you are having rejuvenation or pigmentation treatments on the hands, wear cotton gloves when driving, gardening or playing outdoors sports.

  • A 50+ sun block should be applied to treatment areas if there is any likelihood of sun exposure, how ever strong the sun and whatever time of the year.


  • Pigmented areas will darken noticeably within a few hours of treatment. This is expected and a normal reaction.
  • The skin can have a “dirty”, scabby look which can last from 3-4 days to 2-3 weeks.


  • Apply after-care / Healing products as recommended by your technician. It is important that you follow the recommended routine to ensure the best results.
  • Do not pick or scratch the area. Treat gently. 
  • The dark, scab-like areas will eventually fall off or just disappear, leaving new, young skin underneath.
  • Vitamin A, C E, and anti-oxidants in skincare and supplements will enhance results


  • Strict avoidance of sun in the area is essential.
  • Wear 30+ sunblock daily on exposed areas.
  • If hands are treated, wear cotton gloves when driving.
  • Faces and body areas treated need sunblock daily, whatever the weather, and sunglasses and hats in sunny condition.
  • Avoid hot showers (tepid only) for 24 hours.
  • Avoid heavy, sweaty work-out for 24 hours.
  • Lifestyle issues need to be addressed, to reduce the condition arising again.


Need help?

Any concerns, or enquiries, do not hesitate to contact me (Gabriela) on 0423208598

Contact us today and book your FREE consultation!

We, at Lumina Laser Clinic take great pride to ensure that our clients achieve the best results possible and are well informed of the treatments they choose to have.


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